Colt Badger
Community Development Lender | NMLS#1384066
Colt's credentials
- Down Payment Assistance Specialist
- Construction & Renovation/Permanent
Whether you are buying, building or refinancing, Colt is an experienced mortgage lender you can trust. Colt has experience working with First Time Home Buyers, especially the Right at Home Mortgage, spec builders, custom homes and jumbo mortgage's and can help you find the best loan program for your unique situation. Colt has been local to the Houston market for 15 years and is a member of NAACP Housing Board, HBREA and GHBA.
Skip the paperwork hunt. Watch this short video before completing your application to learn how you can import your asset, income and employment information to include with your mortgage application.
Skip the paperwork hunt. Watch this short video before completing your application to learn how you can import your asset, income and employment information to include with your mortgage application.