Random Acts of Kindness Day

If, on February 17th, you find someone has paid for your coffee or lets you in a parking space, don’t be surprised. It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day. The day was created to spread positivity and inspire people to make a difference in their community. With that in mind, here are five suggestions to help you celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day:
Donate Blood
One of the most impactful acts of kindness you can perform is to donate to a local blood bank. It’s a generous act that literally saves lives.
Bake and Share Treats
If you enjoy baking, whip up a batch of cookies or fresh focaccia bread to bring to work and share with coworkers. Everyone likes a homemade treat once in a while, but be mindful of food allergies.
Offer to Help a Neighbor
Do you have a neighbor whose lawn needs care or garden needs work? If you’re friendly with neighbors, stop by and offer to pitch in and help.
Babysit for a Friend
Do you know people with small children? Make an offer to babysit at a future time of their choosing, allowing them to have a lunch date or a night out. Giving them time to relax can be a very kind gesture.
Tip Service Workers
Tipping is always appreciated, but for Kindness Day, try going above and beyond. Leave a significantly large tip that will make their day special, and suggest they find a kind act to pay forward, spreading the positivity.
These ideas can help you add more positivity to the world around you. Need to quickly pay for a stranger’s coffee or leave a generous tip? Mobile Wallet can help. Learn more to get started.
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