Embracing Flexibility in Leadership

In 2024, “flexibility” is the popular buzzword in everyone’s business vocabulary. In a recent survey, the British Standards Institution asked more than 900 leaders worldwide about their priorities for their companies going forward. The results found that “flexibility” and “well-being” were the main concerns across the board. But what does flexibility mean in practice? Is it a new way to consider our office environment, or a whole new mindset for how we lead our teams? Our guest, Jacob Morgan, has spent the last 13 years thinking about these questions.

Jacob is a futurist, a keynote speaker and the best-selling author of The Future of Work and The Employee Experience Advantage. He is also the host of his podcast, Great Leadership. Since leaving his corporate job 15 years ago, Jacob has contributed to countless organizations, helping them achieve better collaboration across the board. Today, he is a multi-hyphenated entrepreneur who shows leaders how to get ahead of new strategic and cultural challenges.

So for our mid-season finale, Jacob opens the way into the future of work. From productivity to talent retention, we unpack how to adopt a flexible approach to leadership and collaboration. Together, we uncover how a proactive response to our shortcomings can bring our businesses forward, and keep our teams working well together. We also discuss Jacob’s professional journey, from his early experiences with corporate culture to his latest book, Leading With Vulnerability.

Join Jacob Morgan in conversation, to embrace flexibility and find out how competence and connection pave the path to great leadership.


  • Jacob’s experience in the corporate world (3:14)
  • Working flexibly as a serial entrepreneur (6:23)
  • The changing nature of the office setup (7:49)
  • Flexibility as a new business mindset (9:56)
  • Solving the talent retention problem with mobility (11:36)
  • Why businesses should focus on culture (15:02)
  • One team, different ages, different perspectives (17:26)
  • Leading with vulnerability (20:07)
  • Competence & Connection: what vulnerability looks like in the workplace (22:00)
  • Embracing the limits of collaboration (24:28)



If you have questions about the show or topics you'd like discussed in future episodes, email our producers, [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].


Read the full show transcript.

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Meet the Speaker

Jacob MorganJacob Morgan is the best-selling author of 5 books including his most recent, Leading with Vulnerability: Unlock Your Greatest Superpower to Transform Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization which can be found at LeadWithVulnerability.com. He’s also a speaker and professionally trained futurist whose work has been endorsed by the CEOs of Best Buy, Mastercard, Unilever, KPMG, Nestle, Cisco, and best-selling authors like Adam Grant, Mel Robbins, Patrick Lencioni, and Amy Edmondson. You can learn more about Jacob at TheFutureOrganization.com or to get access to his content, head to GreatLeadership.Substack.com. He also has one of the world's most popular leadership podcasts at GreatLeadershipPodcast.com.






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